Thank you to the Garfield Weston Foundation

Thank you Garfield Weston Foundation for your ongoing support of Apps for Good. Garfield Weston is a family-run grant making Foundation which aims to make a positive difference in the UK by supporting a variety of causes such as education, welfare, community and the arts.
Garfield Weston Foundation recognises the important work that we do at Apps for Good. Our computing courses give students the skills and motivation to shape their future with technology, while giving teachers the support and confidence to pick up and deliver with ease. Plus, they are 100% free to schools!
But don't take our word for it: of the almost 29,000 students who took one of our courses during the last academic year, 85% reported an improvement in more than one essential skill. We wouldn't be able to have such a positive impact on young people if it wasn't for foundations such as Garfield Weston.
Check out our Innovate for Climate Change and App for Social Action courses here