This Volunteers' Week, we hear from Nagaraj Talapady

Each year, we rely on the expertise and generosity of volunteers like Nagaraj Talapady from EPAM to support our student Showcase. Nagaraj was part of a panel from EPAM that helped review student projects and provide feedback for them to develop their ideas further. Thank you to Nagaraj and all of our volunteers who make a massive impact on our students through offering guidance on their ideas.
How did you get involved with Apps for Good?
EPAMers were invited to shortlist entries for the Apps for Good showcase. This was the first time I have been involved but I really enjoyed the opportunity to provide constructive feedback to the students – it was simply awesome!
How have you supported Apps for Good students?
I was part of a panel from EPAM that helped review student projects and provide feedback for them to develop their ideas further. I shortlisted over 200 projects and was one of the top shortlisters for Apps for Good across this years’ volunteers.
Tell us about the ideas the students shared with you.
Each of the students shared problem-solving product ideas that addressed topics they were passionate about.
I was particularly impressed by the students’ presentations skills and ability to convey their ideas, using technical terminology, and displaying their prototypes in a professional manner.
I would encourage all young people, including my own children, to participate in Apps for Good to come up with their own ideas!
What did you gain from the experience?
I felt really inspired by the students. It was a pleasure to review so many innovative ideas.
Taking part in this initiative has made me think about how we should harness technology for good and help address real world problems such as climate change.
How do you think industry engagement benefits young people?
I hope that, for students, it is hugely beneficial to engage with industry experts and to build self-confidence when presenting their ideas.
Students can get in-depth knowledge from professionals, who are able to mentor and guide the young people involved and help develop their ideas further.
I hope we have inspired the students as much as they inspire us!
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about volunteering as an expert to support Apps for Good students?
They absolutely should get involved! It is a brilliant opportunity to work with students, help them by sharing our knowledge and inspire them to progress through the Apps for Good program.
In taking part, we as industry experts get to learn new skills. We also can help close the digital skills gap by inspiring the next generation.
What top advice would you give your younger self?
Something I would go back and tell my younger self, and would encourage young people to do, is to have courage to think differently and to travel the unexplored path. You never know where it might lead you!
Its also important to be a team player and help others as much as possible.
Thanks for sharing your experience Nagaraj!
Here at Apps for Good, we offer different ways to volunteer, with flexible options depending on the time you have available, the type of engagement you want to have and the type of support our students need.
Register now to become an Expert Volunteer.