Empowering the next generation of changemakers
Our 2022 Impact Journey
Despite continued difficulties faced by schools, particularly for students experiencing challenging circumstances, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about how we - together with our partners - are making a positive impact on the education of young people across the UK.
We’re proud to share how Apps for Good has evolved this year to continue supporting passionate teachers and empowering creative young people.
Each year, our free tech innovation courses benefit:
Young People
The skills that matter
The UK tech sector is growing, and although data suggests 57% of young people want a job that uses advanced digital skills, one fifth don’t feel they’re getting good enough foundational training from school.
Our courses are designed to equip young people with both the digital and essential skills for their future. Take a look at Denbigh High School.
of students said their confidence had increased
of students said their programming and coding improved
of students said their teamwork improved
of students said their communication skills had improved
of students said their problem solving had improved
of students said their product design skills had improved
Hear what students and teachers have to say about skills
Inspired by Industry
The UK is a world leader in impactful tech innovation, which will be critical in securing a sustainable future, yet research shows that 70% of the tech industry experience skills shortages. We also know that many young people are not aware of the career opportunities in the sector, or even worse, are put off a career in tech.
We engage industry experts to provide 'real-world' inspiration and feedback on students’ tech ideas. See how this is happening at Bosworth Academy.
Industry Expert Volunteers engaged with our students
of Apps for Good students, each year, are more interested in a career in tech
Young people benefited from industry expertise
Hear what teachers, students and partners say about engaging industry
Empowering responsible citizens
Our courses encourage students to become socially engaged citizens, enabling them to explore topics that are meaningful and relevant to them. We support them to design products that will improve their lives and the world around them.
Read how students at Challney High School for Boys have engaged in computing to solve problems they care about.
student teams entered our 2022 Showcase
student ideas shortlisted and pitched to industry experts
student app ideas voted Judges Favourites and People’s Choice
Hear what students and teachers say about using tech to solve problems
2022 in Focus: Innovate for Climate Change
There’s no bigger challenge young people will inherit than climate change and that’s why, in 2021 we began to pilot our new technology course - Innovate for Climate Change, combining both knowledge building and tech innovation skills.
Piloting the course with schools enabled us to test and iterate resources, before releasing a new and improved version in September 2022.
schools engaged in Innovate for Climate Change
students reached with Innovate for Climate Change
of Innovate for Climate change students felt more knowledgeable about climate change (pilot data)
Hear what students and teachers say about Innovate for Climate Change
Our impact journey continues…
In 2023, we’re focused on expanding our reach to impact even more students across the UK. As we embed our new content framework across our courses, we’ll have a keen eye on encouraging all our schools to give their students access to the breadth of opportunities that an Apps for Good course provides.